
 Registration Process

Parent Finders has a large database of adoption birth information, inquiries, registrations and previous memberships dating back to 1976. All of these records can assist in the process of matching birth relatives.

Registration with PF Ottawa means:

  1. We enter all your birth information in our database of 84,000 records to check for possible matches with birth relatives;
  2. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN SEARCH. We do not do the search for you.
  3. You will be notified of any potential matches.
  4. You are responsible for keeping your contact information current. We will not search for you.


1.  Download and complete the two page Registration Form Include copies of any adoption related documents ( adoption order, post-adoption birth information, family background or non-identifying social history).

2. Mail your Registration Form and adoption documents to:

Parent Finders Ottawa

(contact us at for an updated mailing address)


1.  Download and complete the two page Registration Form . Please scan your adoption related documents (adoption order, post-adoption birth information, family background or non-identifying social history). Then send your documents to us via E-mail us at .


The advice and help you receive from Parent Finders is provided by experienced volunteers. Please make a donation to allow Parent Finders to continue to help you and others with their adoption search and reunion. Donations are our only source of funding and are used for operating costs only.

This service is administered by unpaid volunteers and these fees enable us to keep the office open and the files current in case of a match with your birth relative.

If we have a match and your contact information is out-of-date, we will not search for you.  It is your responsibility to notify us of any change to your contact information. Many matches are incomplete because we cannot locate one or the other party.

If you would like more information  please contact us at:   Tel: (613) 730-8305 or  E-mail us now  at

Parent Finders welcomes everyone. We encourage adult adoptees over 18, birth parents, fostered adults, birth siblings, birth relatives and adoptive parents to register with us.  Those under 18 can register with written permission from a parent or legal guardian.


Nov 8, 2023

Photo of the day

In Sandra Pupatello's Office
In Sandra Pupatello's Office